Latest Past Events

2024 Landscape Management Conference

Westin Hapuna Beach Resort 62-100 Kaunaʻoa Dr, Waimea

A one-day educational conference focusedon providing practical management tools forlandscape and tree care professionals.Purchasing TicketsOnline registration is now closed. Walk-in registration is available Friday morning. However, you must pay with cash Read More

$95 – $210

Advanced Irrigation System Maintenance

Kukio Resort Maintenance Facility (mauka side of Queen K. Hwy) 87 Queen Ka'ahumanu Hwy, Kailua Kona

Primary focus is discussing the benefits of smart irrigation systems. Smart systems, tailor watering schedules and run times automatically to meet specific landscape needs. These controllers significantly improve outdoor water use efficiencies. A summary of the latest technology and devices will be provided. Demonstrations on installation practices, setup and programming included; as well as troubleshooting Read More

Irrigation System Maintenance: Hands-On Training

Kukio Resort Maintenance Facility (mauka side of Queen K. Hwy) 87 Queen Ka'ahumanu Hwy, Kailua Kona

Syllabus Outline: All the basic aspects of maintaining an irrigation system. We will also discuss how to do an audit of a system and what to consider when working on an irrigation system. A team of bright minds will lead the discussion, and show examples of things that can go wrong and what to look Read More

$60 – $95