7 New LICTs / Kona 2019 Test

Certification Corner

The Kona Landscape Industry Certification Technician Test was held on June 13th (written) and June 15th (hands-on). This year marks the very last hands-on test to be given on the Big Island.  Seven landscapers achieved their certification in Kona.

Michael J. DiMarco, LICT         Hawaii Lawn & Landscape                  Ornamental Maintenance

Cary Freeman, LICT                    Hi Landscaping                                          Ornamental Maintenance

Tamara Hynd, LICT                    Tamara’s Fine Gardening                      Ornamental Maintenance

Josiah Olival, LICT                      Hawaii Lawn & Landscape                    Softscape Installation

David Stubbs, LICT                     Stevenson and Associates                    Softscape Installation

Dustin Taka, LICT                        Lono’s Landscaping LLC                         Ornamental Maintenance

Joel Woodcock, LICT                 Aikane Nursery                                         Softscape Installation

The Landscape Certification Committee of LICH (Landscape Industry Council of Hawaii), who administered the certification test for NALP (National Association of Landscape Professionals), understands how hard all candidates of the LICT Program worked and knows the commitment of energy, study time and financial resources that it took to become certified.

The Certification of these landscapers could not have been possible without the generous support of the Judges, who give of their time and efforts on test day to make it all happen, and the sponsors and vendors who donate materials and supplies. The Kona Judges this year:
Pacific Minthorne, LICT (Plant ID)
Wynton Wizinowich, LICT (Basic and Advanced Controller)
Danny Aegler, LICT (Chain Saw)
Micah Barker, LICT (Power Blower)
Justin Smith, LICT (Lateral Repair and Head Adjustment)
Caz DiMarco (Tree Planting)
Christian Renz, LIC-M (Pruning)
Adam Broderson, LICT (Rototiller)
Lynnette Tohara (Irrigation)

2019 Report / NALP and the Future of the LICT

The NALP (National Association of Landscape Professionals) Landscape Industry Certified Technician (LICT) will be alive and well for the whole upcoming year. In January 2020, as many of you know, the LICT test will still be given and administered by LICH, but the there will not be a hands-on component to the test starting in 2020. The test skills needed to pass the hands-on questions will still exist, but only as a computer-driven test! The written tests we are used to taking will be a part of that same computer-based test. As the LICT State Administrator, my strong recommendation is that if you have retakes standing in the way of getting certified, take your retakes now and get certified while the test is familiar to you. If you have any misgivings about taking the test on a computer, now is the time to get certified! The LICT designation will continue to exist and be promoted by our industry and LICH will still prepare landscapers to prepare for the test in its new form.
As 2019 progresses, more information will be available about how the 2020 computer test will work, what will be needed, and what to expect when taking the test. Our present PLANET Study Manuals will still be the basis for preparing for the new 2020 LICT test. Anyone who is certified at the end of 2019 and has kept up their certification status with NALP will keep their certification in 2020 as long as they keep getting re-certified. The list of all who have become certified since we began testing in Hawaii will remain on that list. Have you kept your certification current? If you need help with re-certification, let me know: Garrett at getcertifiedhawaii@gmail.com / 808 960-3650

Nine Big Island Landscapers Become Certified in 2018

What a year we have had!  Hurricane Lane, volcanic eruptions, the National Association of Landscape Professionals changing their certification program termination deadline (twice!). In spite of it all, the Kona LICT Training and Testing program persevered. The LICT written tests were offered twice, once after the Hawaii Island Landscape Association Landscape Maintenance Training (LMT) classes ended, some candidates tested on June 14, 2018. Most candidates attended the Test Prep Intensive on August 25th in preparation for the full written and field test which was offered September 7th and 8th. Even the test site went through a change. Originally the test site was going to be at Palamanui Community College, but the work needed to prepare a new site was not able to be accomplished in time, so the test was held on our old stomping grounds at the UH Kainaliu Extension.

The Kona LICT test this year offered certification in Ornamental Maintenance and Irrigation and we are proud to list our new 2018 Hawaii island Landscape Industry Certified Technicians:

First Name Last Name Module Earned Company Name
Benjamin Perrills Ornamental Maintenance BP Landscaping LLC
Chelsy Abe Ornamental Maintenance DBA Chelsy Abe
David Golden Ornamental Maintenance Steve Nimz & Associates, Inc.
Heather Sarsona Ornamental Maintenance Kanu o ka ‘aina
Jerod Kahoalii Irrigation Four Seasons Resort Hualalai
Joel C. Woodcock Ornamental Maintenance Aikane Nursery
Makamae Anderson Ornamental Maintenance Big Island Greenery
Owen Sarsona Ornamental Maintenance Kanu o ka ‘aina
 Herpulo Aling Irrigation  Self Employed

NALP Puts an End to the Hands-On LICT Certification test as of December 31, 2019!


NALP (National Association of Landscape Professionals) has announced that as of December 31, 2019, no organization may offer its hands-on Landscape Industry Certified Exterior exam. The hands-on LICT test will be ‘absorbed’ into a brand new written-only test that will be taken on a computer. The new test will be developed by Buck Chaffee, a testing expert/psychometrician. Any test candidate that has not completed his or her certification by April 30, 2019, will need to complete the new written-only test to become certified through NALP. As of May, 2018, I have not heard from or about any other State or Canadian Province that is in favor of this new test.

The Certification Committee in Hawaii is strongly in favor of maintaining a meaningful landscape certification program and test that includes a hands-on component. NALP has informed us that “The hands -on portion of the exam will end on December 31, 2019. Per the licensee agreement, no part of the current Landscape Industry Certified Exam may be replicated in any way for any new exam or program.” That means that Hawaii needs to start from ground zero and develop a test that does not replicate the current LICT/NALP test.

LICH is strongly committed to training and certifying Hawaii landscapers and maintaining our strong relationship with agencies like the Hawaii State Department of Transportation and others who require certified landscapers for contract bids.  People who are NALP Certified by the end of 2019 will be guaranteed certification under the new Hawaii Certification Program.

Kona Test nets 13 New LICTs

Kona Test

On June 17th the Landscape Industry Certified Technician (LICT) Test was held in Kona at the University of Hawaii CTAHR Experiment Station in Kainaliu, with thanks to the dedication and hard work on the part of the Board of Directors of the Hawaii Island Landscape Association (HILA).Tests were conducted in Ornamental Maintenance, Softscape Installation and Irrigation. The test started with a traditional pule, blessing our candidates and volunteer judges for a safe and successful day. Then the candidates went to work, showing their skills learned from the Landscape Maintenance Training program and Test Prep Intensive day that most participated in.

Candidates passing the test and receiving their LICT certifications are as follows:

In Ornamental Maintenance:
Bruce Costello of Bruce Costello Landscape Maintenance
Clinton Hirayasu of Kukio Community Association
Daniel E. Damazo of MLM LLC
Melvin K. Thomas Jr. of MLM LLC
James Spencer of Chambers Landscape and Irrigation
Rocco Mico-Talen of Bezona Botanical
Nephi Brown of Four Season Resort Hualalai
Zachary Price of Landes Home Service
Sean Prentiss self-employed

In Softscape Installation:
Richard Ostrander of R and R Complete Landscaping
Esther Aila of Royal Contracting, Ltd.

In Irrigation:
Danny Aegler of Hawaii Lawn and Landscapes
Ian Robledo of Pacific Aina Management LLC

HILA would like to thank our UH Extension Agent, Ty McDonald, for his excellent work in preparing the candidates through our Landscape Maintenance Training classes, and Garrett Webb, LICM, for administrating the test. We would also like to thank all our volunteer judges for their continued support of this test, many who return year after year to give back to their Green Industry: Hugh Landes, LICT; Lee Wolske, LICT; Gary Duguran, LICT; Mel Palea, LICT; Justin Smith, LICT; Kerry Wells, LICT; Caz DiMarco, LICT; Desmond Toson, LICT; Sean Strauss, LICT,; Ken Sugai, LICT; Erin Lee, LICT; Jeff Cerezo, LICT; Michael Talesfore, LICT; Keone Kealoha , LICT; Mark Sayers, LICT; Jennifer McDaniel, LICT; Micah Barker, LICT; Wynton Wizinowich, LICT; Fred Boeck, and Chris McCullough.

Through this test and the certification of many of our candidates HILA accomplished its objective and mission of raising the bar of landscape skill in our Hawai’i Island landscape community.

By: Chris McCullough
President, Hawaii Island Landscape Association