The NALP (National Association of Landscape Professionals) Landscape Industry Certified Technician (LICT) will be alive and well for the whole upcoming year. In January 2020, as many of you know, the LICT test will still be given and administered by LICH, but the there will not be a hands-on component to the test starting in 2020. The test skills needed to pass the hands-on questions will still exist, but only as a computer-driven test! The written tests we are used to taking will be a part of that same computer-based test. As the LICT State Administrator, my strong recommendation is that if you have retakes standing in the way of getting certified, take your retakes now and get certified while the test is familiar to you. If you have any misgivings about taking the test on a computer, now is the time to get certified! The LICT designation will continue to exist and be promoted by our industry and LICH will still prepare landscapers to prepare for the test in its new form.
As 2019 progresses, more information will be available about how the 2020 computer test will work, what will be needed, and what to expect when taking the test. Our present PLANET Study Manuals will still be the basis for preparing for the new 2020 LICT test. Anyone who is certified at the end of 2019 and has kept up their certification status with NALP will keep their certification in 2020 as long as they keep getting re-certified. The list of all who have become certified since we began testing in Hawaii will remain on that list. Have you kept your certification current? If you need help with re-certification, let me know: Garrett at / 808 960-3650